UNIT 8: Humour and Satire - A Few Kind Words for Superstition Match the following. transcendental - (iv) spiritual, nonphysical or mystical deplore - (i) to feel or express strong disapproval of (something) absolve - (vi) set free from blame, guilt, or responsibility; release juju - (ii) a charm or fetish used by some West African peoples crude - (iii) natural state chronicle - (v) a written record of historical events Find the contextual meaning of the following words from the text and then use them in sentences of your own. condemn - |kun'dem| to express disapproval Don’t condemn him before you hear the evidence. terror - |te-ru| feeling extreme fear Anger nd terror were on her face. unbidden - |únbi-d(u)n| without being asked, invited, or expected She shook her head to remove the unbidden thoughts. persist - |pu'sist| continue to exist Alcohol and tobacco consumption by young people is especially worrisome because habits formed early are likely to persi...
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