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Did I Miss Anything?


The poem “Did I Miss Anything?” is written from two distinct points of view. They are the student’s point of view and the teacher’s point of view. The words “nothing” and “everything” represent the student’s point of view and the teacher’s point of view respectively. Stanza one is written from the students' point of view. It reveals the fact that the teacher is missing in the classroom. In the teacher’s absence, the students simply sit in silence, with their hands folded on the desks. Stanza two is written from the teacher’s point of view. It tells how he has given heavily weighted exams, assigned readings, and prepared a quiz. Stanza three represents students' perspective. Here, a typical student blames that the classroom education is valueless, meaningless and a waste of time. It will have no effect or purpose later in life. However, in stanza four, the poet explains why education is important. It claims that through education a person is enlightened. The fifth stanza questions how anything could possibly be accomplished without a teacher. The sixth stanza explains the significance (example/modal) of the classroom. The last two one-line stanzas of the poem serve as a message to all doubtful students: they should always be present in the classroom so as to take in all they are able to learn in the “microcosm of human experience”. 


The poem Did I Miss Anything by Tom Wayman, a modernist poet is all about the frustration of a teacher who has frequently been asked by the absent students, “Did I Miss Anything”. 

The tone of the poem is angry, sarcastic (mocking), and humorous. Each stanza in the poem begins with Nothing and Everything. Both the words are complete in themselves and represent the tone of the poem. The speaker in the poem is pretending to answer the student's question honestly but in fact, is taking a round-about way to say to the student that there's something wrong with the way the student has phrased the question. 

The poem is written from two distinct points of view: the student's point of view and the teacher's point of view respectively. 

The poet, who is a teacher gets quite angry when an absent student asks, “Did I Miss Anything?” In response, the poet explains which did he miss and what not in alternative sentences. The stanzas beginning with Nothing are sarcastic and humorous while those beginning with Everything expresses his anger.

Stanza 1

The poet begins by saying, “Nothing” and adds that he has missed nothing as they (teacher and students) realized that he (the absentee) was not there and hence they were sitting quietly for two hours with their hands on the desks. It is a kind of sarcastic answer.

Stanza 2

In the next stanza, the teacher’s anger comes out. He tells the absentee that he taught the lessons which covered 40% of the term syllabus and also assigned the students a quiz which is worth 50% of the term paper’s marks.

Stanza 3

The tone again shifts to satire. According to the teacher, he (student) missed nothing as the course has no values or meaning. So he should remain absent as all the activities that take place in the class have no purpose for himself as well as for the absentee.

Stanza 4

In the 4th stanza, the poet says that shortly after he began teaching an angel just appeared that told about the ways to attain wisdom for the life and also that this is the last class after which they will have to spread the good news to the world.

This stanza is a satire on the religious faiths like Christian and Jewish religious practices and beliefs. It was believed that angels descend from the sky to impart knowledge to the clergy who afterward spread that message (good news) to the commoners.

Stanza 5

The tone again reverts to sarcastic (satirical). the teacher asks the student how anything can happen in the class without him (student) being present there.

Stanza 6

In the final stanza, the teacher says that the classroom is a world full of human experiences which were assembled for him (student) to grab, examine and understand. It was an opportunity which he has lost now.

  1. Vocabulary in context
    Match the following words with their meanings. 

Reading comprehension 

  1. Read the brochure, and decide whether the following statements are true or false. 
    1. Mangalsen is 930 kilometers away from Kathmandu. TRUE
    2. The Skanda Puran is the Holy Scripture of the Hindus. TRUE
    3. There is a seasonal road that exists from Sanfebagar to Budiganga. FALSE
    4. There is no facility of accommodation in Mangalsen. FALSE
    5. A tourist can find places of historical significance in Mangalsen. TRUE
  1. Read the brochure again, and answer the following questions. 
    1. How can we get to Mangalsen?
      We can get to Mangalsen by road except during the monsoon. During the monsoon, we can go there by walking for eight hours from Sanfebagar. 
    2. How many airports are available in Achham?
      There is only one airport available in Achham.
    3. Which is an easier and safer way to reach Mangalsen, via air or road?
      The safer and easier way to reach Mangalsen is through the road because there is no direct access of the airways to Mangalsen. 
    4. What is the similarity between Achham and Doti?
      The similarity between Achham and Doti is that they have similar cultural heritages.  
    5. What is the climate of Acchham like?
      The climate of Achham is sub-tropical, mild, and cool. 
    6. Why do people have hope of a safe journey?
      People have a hope of a safe journey because it is a hilly region, and there are no good roads.
    7. Would you like to go to Achham? Why?
      The answer varies: Yes, I definitely would prefer going Achham because there are many religious places that I like to visit there.
  1. Complete the table below with the authentic information from the text above. 
  1. Study the following conditional sentences, and put them in the correct box.
An imperative sentence gives a command, demand, or instruction directly to an audience, and typically begins with an action word (or verb).
  1. Time for grammar 
  1. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of verbs in brackets. 
    1. If you love me, meet (meet) me at the Garden of Dreams after half an hour. 
    2. If Mukesh goes to a picnic, I won’t go. (not go). 
    3. If you beat (beat) a baby, she will cry. 
    4. If you call me, I will come (come). 
    5. If you forget (forget) to call me, I will remind you. 
    6. If you heat butter, it melts. (melt). 
  2. Complete the following sentences with appropriate clauses.
      1. If I don’t pay the phone bill today, your phone line will get disconnected
      2. If Manju joins the team, they will win.
      3. If it rains, I won’t go to the picnic.
      4. If you forget to take your practical exam, you will fail the exam
      5. If you leave now, you won’t miss the bus.
      6. Cook food and eat if you’re hungry. 


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