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IELTS Academic Writing Part 1 Samples

Picture 1
IELTS Academic Writing Task 1/ Graph Writing - Map:
» You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 
The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities. 
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
» Write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer 1:
The given picture compares an island before and after some contractions of tourists’ facilities and compares the changed made on the island for the contractions. As is observed from the given illustration, many new facilities have been constructed for the tourists’ including accommodations, restaurant, swimming facilities etc. and those have been constructed without affecting the natural resources that much.

Before the facilities were constructed, there was only trees and beach on the island and most of the places were empty. In this island, many new tourists’ facilities have been made including the many accommodation facilities, restaurant, reception centre, pier for boating, swimming facility on the beach. Interestingly plants and trees were not cut to build these constructions and most of the constructions were made near the beach. Beside, Footpaths and roads for automated transportation have been done to facilitate the tourists. The footpaths were made to walk between the residing places and the beach while the motor tracks were created to visit the restaurant, reception area, and pier for boating.

In summary, the construction was mainly made to facilitate the tourists' stay, visit and amusement and for that, no plants or trees were cut. Furthermore, roads have been made for walking as well as vehicles and the whole contractions seem like has been made with a good planning. 

Sample Answer 2:
Two given maps illustrate the changes that took place on an island after the construction of some tourist facilities. As we can see in the first map, the island was deserted, as there was nothing there except some trees. But after the renovation, some tourist facilities like the pier, restaurant, several accommodations, reception and so on the island looks much different now.

The first map shows nothing on the island except some trees but the second map illustrates the changes after the construction of many facilities. A pier for the boats to land could be seen and from there, a vehicle track leads to the reception area and then the restaurant. Vehicle track ends near the restaurant and the footpath leads tourists to the accommodation areas and to the beach. Residential areas are located on both sides of the reception with footpath connecting them. Trees have not been cut down, as they are present in both maps. On the left side of reception, the residential area is connected to a beach via the footpath. Swimming facility is available there as well.

To summarise, a deserted island had been turned into a tourist spot for the recreation and amusement of people without destroying natural beauty i.e. trees etc. 

Sample Answer 3:
The given picture compares two stages of an island - before and after the construction for tourism. According to the map before construction, there were only a few trees and a beach that was not enough to facilitate the tourists. Therefore most of the area of the island was empty. There wasn't any special facility to provide to the tourists. 
According to the map, after the construction, it can be seen very clearly that, significant changes have been done to increase the attraction of island while trees and plants were not removed to establish an island for tourism. 
Many facilities were established to provide the tourists, like accommodation, restaurants, reception centre, pier for boating, beach, footpaths and vehicle tracks. All the developments were made near the beach area. Beside, footpaths were made to access the accommodation area and beach area while road tracks were made to drive through restaurants, reception centre and pier for boating. 
In conclusion, after the construction, the island got ready to provide numerous facilities to tourists. Furthermore, trees and plants were present to give pleasure to its tourists and not cutting them was a good idea for a tourist place like this island. The whole construction feels like has been made with a good planning. 

Sample Answer 4:
The two maps portray an island before and after the expansion of several tourist amenities. Over the period, the island witnessed dramatic changes from a completely bare land to a tourist destination.

A beach used to be abandoned in the past, however nowadays it has become a swimming area. Next to the beach, several accommodations were built. Moreover, footpaths were constructed surrounding the accommodations. Moving to the north area, a restaurant was established along with a vehicle track, which was connected to the reception in front of the restaurant. Instead of a sea alone, a pier was added making it easier for visitors and yachts to access. Few trees were cut to facilitate the construction.

In summary, the island had transformed in many areas; but there was remained a bare land in the northeastern part. The newly added amenities would facilitate the tourists to stay and enjoy the spot.

Sample Answer 5:
Given are two maps of an island illustrating the differences before and after it was constructed for tourism

In the first map, we can see that the total length of the island is 200 metres, there are trees on several parts of it and to the left of the map, there is a beach.

Moving on to the second atlas, it can be seen that many tourist facilities were added to the surface of the island. Starting from the west, it is now available for every tourist to go swimming near the beach by walking on the footpath that connects the seashore with the accommodation and an area closed to the centre. Next to that area, there is a reception block that lies between a restaurant that is in the north of the island and the vehicle track that leads to the pier where people can go sailing boats. As seen right in the centre, there is nothing but the accommodation, and similarly, in the east of the island, there is not a single thing but trees and an empty sheet.

Overall, after the facilities addition, we can see a very obvious development of the island without removing anything. 

Sample Answer 6:
The two figures illustrate the development of an island in terms of tourist facilities. Overall, it is clearly shown that there are big changes before and after the construction while the surface area of the island remains unchanged.

First of all, it is apparent that most of the area of the island is occupied by accommodation which it was not exist before the construction. In addition, a reception has been built in the centre of the island that is surrounded by the vehicle track. Not forgetting to mention that a restaurant has also been added to the island that is located just behind the reception and they are linked by a vehicle track.

Furthermore, a pier is constructed in front of the reception and connected by a vehicle track so as to provide some leisure activities to the tourists. Last but not least, the beach located to the west of reception is now opened for the tourist to swim. 

Sample Answer 7:
The two maps present the development of an island, alongside with the new special organisation after some tourist facilities have been built. 
At the first glance, it is easy to notice that two groups of cottages have been constructed in the centre and to the west of the island, serving as accommodation.  Between them, a reception appeared. As compared to the cottages, which were connected through footpaths, the reception has two vehicles tracks, one surrounding the reception and one from north to south. The last one has at the north end a restaurant and at the south-end a special designed Pier. Here, boats come ashore.
Finally, at less than 50 metres from the west cottages, a swimming area has been designed. Overall, although not populated in the past, the island faced a significant development in the tourism industry. At the same time, it kept the palm trees population, which were spread through the whole island. 

Sample Answer 8:
These two maps illustrate the difference in an island between the times before and after the building of certain tourist facilities. 
According to the two maps, we can immediately see that there are many establishments on the island for recreations now but those were not present on the old map. First, a pier was constructed so that people can visit this island by boat. Second, lots of accommodations were built around the trees, which were already present on the island. A reception was built in the middle of all accommodations, and a new restaurant is now located behind the reception. Third, on the left corner of the island, people can now go swimming near the beach. The swimming area was designed for visitors. Last but not least, travellers can now walk around the island on the built footpath. Meanwhile, vehicle tracks have connected the pier to the reception and ended at the restaurant. 
In summary, many tourist facilities were built on the island for the entertainment and tourist facilities. 

Sample Answer 9:
The two presented maps depict the transformation of an island after being constructed and accomplished by various tourist infrastructures. In general, the island is more crowded and fascinating after being reconstructed with several prominent changes. 
Looking at the details, before being established, the island was certainly a vacant lot with a beach on the west side. 
In contrast, after reconstruction, the plain island is transformed into an attractive tourist destination. There are, however, some accommodation buildings, food court, reception, and a dock and the dock enable ships to stand in. Furthermore, the beach turns to swimming area that was not utilised before establishment. Footpath and vehicle tracks also outline a noticeable difference in fact. There were no such tracks before renewal development yet; several tracks had been built during reconstruction time.  These improvements make the view of the island looks more promising and fascinating. They certainly notice a massive change over the island before and after rebuilding. 

Sample Answer 10:
The two diagrams illustrate the changes on an island due to the constructions and adaptations made for the tourism activities. 
In general, the island became more crowded with entertainment facilities after the introduction of tourism. The total length of an island is 100 meters. 
In the first picture before the construction of tourist facilities, there was no accommodation and the whole island had almost nothing except few trees. Furthermore, the area was completely calm and quiet. 
However, turning to the second picture, this island provides a lot of accommodation facilities and a large restaurant. Reception block is located close to the restaurant and these buildings are linked through vehicle track. From the reception centre, people can go to pier through the vehicle track. Moreover, the swimming area is also available near the beach for those visiting tourists. Tourists can walk on the footpath to reach the beach from their living places. 
Overall, tourism facilities made greater development on this island, while it became congested. 

Sample Answer 11:
The provided map reveals the dramatic changes in a small island that had been developed to add a number of facilities, especially for the visiting tourists. 
Before the renovation, this place was surrounded by sea and small beach without any building and tourist facility. East and west of the island had some coconut trees while the rest of it was only an open space. 
After the construction and development, the island became very dense and useful with its infrastructure and accommodation. Some bungalows were built in the middle of the land and some others near the beach in the west. The constructor also facilitated small footpath where a tourist can easily walk on to reach the cottage and the beach. In the southern part, a pier was constructed for landing boats and it ended with the vehicle track, leading directly to the reception and the restaurant. Activities like swimming are now available in the beach area while the open space in the east of the island remained unchanged. 

Picture 2
‘The two maps below show the changes in town of Denham between the years 1986 and 2016. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.’

The two maps illustrate the main changes that have taken place in the town of Denham from 1986 to 2016.

Overall, the town has most notably shown an increase in housing development that indicates a higher population and a move away from agriculture and farming.

One change that stands out is that there has been a significant redevelopment over the 30-year period of what was once farmland. Housing now dominates the area to the east of the river stoke. In 1986 there were shops and just a handful of residential properties. Now there are neither shops nor farmland left, although the post office is still there. The bridge over the river stokes still stands as it did 30 years ago.

Another noticeable change is that there have been more roads built around the housing complex, additionally, the gardens that were a feature in 1986 have been removed and replaced by houses and a retirement home. The primary school still stands and has been extended in the three decades since. The footpath to the river that was running north of the gardens in 1986 is now no longer there.

Picture 3
The diagram shows proposed changes to Foster Road.

Write a 150-word report describing the proposed changes for a local committee.


The diagram shows proposals to transform Foster Road between SE 84th and 85th Avenue into a tree-lined avenue that is safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

First of all, the planners propose to widen the sidewalk on both sides of the road and add bicycle lanes. This will mean reducing the number of lanes for cars and other vehicles. A pedestrian crossing will also be installed at the lower end of the street, near the gas station. This crossing will include an island in the middle where people can wait in safety.

In addition to the safety measures above, planners also want to plant trees along both sides of the road. These trees will transform the appearance of the neighbourhood as well as provide vital extra shade for pedestrians.

To summarise, under these proposals, the needs of local residents will be better served by making Foster Road a safer and more pleasant environment.

Academic Task 1 – Type 1 – Graph with a Time Period
Picture 4
This chart gives information about how much money was earned by three London bakeries over a 10-year period from 2000 to 2010.
In general, it can be seen that the trend for the annual income of Robbie's Bakery and Bernie's Buns was upward while there was a downward trend in the yearly earnings of Lovely Loaves.
To begin with, the yearly income of Robbie's Bakery remained stable at around 55,000 pounds from 2000 to 2005. Subsequently, it increased dramatically to just above 100,000 pounds by the end of the graph. Its income overtook that of Lovely Loaves between 2005 and 2006 and became the highest income from 2006 to 2010. As for Bernie's Buns, its income began at a much lower figure of 20,000 pounds, but increased drastically to over 60,000 pounds by 2010. This figure was more than three times its original one.
The income of Lovely Loaves was the highest in 2000 at around 82,000 pounds. It fluctuated in the first four years and then plunged to half its original figure in 2010. This meant that it had the lowest income of all three bakeries.

Academic Task 1 – Type 2 – Graph without a Time Period
Picture 5

The chart gives figures for the sales of eight different items in two London bakeries on a typical Saturday in 2010.
Overall, it can be seen that doughnuts were the most popular item in both bakeries.
For Bernie's Buns, nearly 140 donuts were sold every Saturday. This figure was about 7 times more than the number of salads sold (19). The second and third bestselling item was cookies and cakes, at around 118 and 102 items sold respectively. Rolls and crisps both sold equally well at above 70 items sold.
Lovely Loaves sold nearly 20 fewer doughnuts than Bernie's Buns at around 120. Its lowest selling item was toasted sandwiches (22). While Bernie's Buns sold more of most of the items as compared to Lovely Loaves, Lovely Loaves sold slightly more fresh loaves (50 vs. 40). Furthermore, Lovely Loaves sold more than three times the number of salads as compared to Bernie's Buns, at around 62 and 18 respectively.

Academic Task 1 – Type 3 – Process
Picture 6

The diagrams highlight the steps involved in producing cement and the process by which concrete is produced using cement.

There are six stages in the former process from the mixing of two raw materials to the packaging the cement and two stages in the latter process that involves four materials.
The first stage is that limestone and clay are crushed, which produces powder. This powder is mixed in a mixer and then moves through a rotating heater. Subsequently, the material is heated with fire. The following step is that the mixture moves along a conveyor belt and is then ground through a grinder, which produces cement. Finally, the cement is packed into bags and transported to the construction site where it is used to make concrete.
In order to make concrete, a concrete mixer is filled with 50% gravel, 25% sand, 15% cement and 10% water. Once these materials have been added, the mixer rotates until concrete is produced.

Academic Task 1 – Type 4 – Map
Picture 7

The two maps illustrate the main changes that took place in Tumbledown between 1995 and 2010.

In general, it can be seen that city of Tumbledown became bigger, with more buildings than before.

To the north of the river, the park made way for a science park and museum, which was slightly bigger in size. The school, which was to the east of the park in 1995, was demolished and a hotel and a spa were built in its place. Finally, some shops were constructed to the south of the hotel and spa.

To the south of the river, there was the replacement of the farmhouse and farmland with a science academy and science laboratories. The city of Tumbledown expanded to about one a half times its size. While there was a hospital to the northeast of the city, it no longer existed in 2010. To the east of Tumbledown, the large wood area was cut down to about 20% of its original size. The top area was replaced by a hi-tech center by 2010.


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